19 Effective Ways to Make Ends Meet!

 19 Effective Ways to Make Ends Meet!

19 Effective Ways to Make Ends Meet!

Tired of ending the month in the red? Like millions of French people, are you tightening your belt to balance your budget? In this article, I will give you dozens of solutions to easily make ends meet. You will see that there will be something for you because living with a salary close to the SMIC or even worse with the RSA is really not easy. We promise, at the end of this article, you can start! Let’s go! 😉

The best solutions to make ends meet:

1. Respond to Paid Surveys:

Surveys on the internet are still as successful and thousands of French people are fans of them. Some even make paid surveys a full-time job.

It must be said that the number of sites is colossal but it is not always easy to navigate.

Before you start, take a look at my list of the best paid survey sites. All you have to do is register on several sites such as LifePoints, YouGov or Gaddin, fill in your profile, and answer questionnaires for earnings that can exceed several hundred euros per month.

You will see that with paid surveys, what brings in the most money is sponsorship. Go immediately read my guide to the best tricks to fill up with referrals. I reveal my secrets for a sponsorship pro. 😉

2. Do Paid Assignments:

On the net, it is possible to earn money thanks to remunerative sites. In return for a small job or small missions I should say, you will generate commissions.

You don’t know anything about it? Know that remunerative sites, there are dozens of them but it is difficult to find your way around as the scams are frequent.

But as a priority, I invite you to discover Loonea and Moolineo two sites very popular with Internet users with which you can expect several tens of euros per month. To these two sites, add Swagbucks whose reputation is second to none.

2a. Try paid apps:

Small addition with remunerative applications. Many applications allow you to generate income in various ways.

I tested these applications and I recommend Feature Points, CashPirate or Be My Eye but know that there are dozens of others including Spare5, AttaPoll, Mokka…

3. Take advantage of cashback:

Have you ever heard of cashback? When you make purchases on the internet through several shops, part of your money spent is returned to you afterwards.

In general you will receive 10 to 15% of the amount of your expenses which is very good. But the top of the top is to do sponsorship.

When you recruit referrals it is extremely interesting because you receive 10% of their earnings from cashback for life.

Yes for life, you read that right. With dozens of referrals, you can earn considerable sums. Whether to take advantage of cashback or to make sponsorship, I recommend iGraal, Poulpeo or EbuyClub.

4. Sell your stuff:

Do you have old clothes that you no longer wear? Why don’t you sell them on Vinted? In a few clicks, you will post your ads and in addition you will have a commission of 5 euros which will be offered to you when you register. Isn’t that beautiful?

Do you have kitsch and old-fashioned objects? Selling your items on the net has never been easier, especially with Leboncoin. In 1 minute flat, you will post your ads.

For more expensive, rare or collectible items, nothing beats Ebay for upping the ante. Although fashionable in the 2000s, Ebay is still popular and remains a good way to sell at a good price.

Not only will you make room in your home, but you will get some cash back. Be careful all the same because scams are very frequent and numerous on Leboncoin.

5. Go to garage sales:

If selling your business on the internet does not interest you and you prefer something friendly, I advise you to do the garage sales.

Each year, you have the possibility of having two flea markets, garage sales or fairs as the law authorizes you to do. Outdoors and with the family, you will have a good day while earning a few euros here and there.

To find out where the flea markets take place near you, I invite you to go to Sabradou or Brocabrac.

But the Braderie de Lille is the one not to be missed, and if you want the maximum amount of money this is the place to go. Some junk dealers earn up to 10,000 euros in a weekend in Lille!

6. Renting your accommodation:

Earning money with your home have you thought about it? If your home is unoccupied, why don’t you rent it out?

Today, rental platforms between individuals are hugely successful and many people rent out their house or apartment while they are away.

In some cases, it is possible to collect up to 120 euros per day. To offer your property for rent, I recommend the number 1 that is Airbnb. In addition, I offer you 35 euros to travel.

If you are interested in renting your accommodation on Airbnb, read my list of tips for stocking up on reservations, it will be very useful to you.

 7. Rent your equipment:

Since I have just talked about the rental of real estate, let’s now move on to the rental of equipment.

Mower, drill, ladder or even food processor, it has never been easier to rent your equipment on the internet. People who need scaffolding, a compressor or a cement mixer, for example, no longer hesitate to rent so as not to spend as much money as possible.

If until then Kiloutou was the sign to which we turned to rent, other sites between individuals such as Bricolib, Allovoisins have appeared and are just as interesting.

8. Give lessons:

If you are particularly brilliant in French, foreign languages, mathematics and even in music and theatre… Why don’t you give private lessons?

Giving private lessons is an opportunity not only for people who want extra income but also for those who want to make it a full-time job.

The Acadomia, Completude, Superprof and Livementor sites connect students and teachers. Generally, one hour of lesson will bring you 15 euros.

9. Rent your car:

Letting your car sleep in the garage is not really interesting, is it? Have you ever thought about renting your vehicle when you’re not using it?

By renting your car, you will recover money which will be used to pay your insurance and your maintenance costs.

On several specialized sites such as GetAround, Ouicar or Koolicar, you can offer your car for rental. Earnings of around 600 euros per month are possible (source Koolicar).

10. Offer its services:

Offering your services for a fee is stupid, but have you thought about it?

Here are some services you can offer: babysitting, pet sitting, shopping, ironing, cleaning, mowing the lawn, going to the pharmacy, babysitting, driving people.

Here again, it is on Leboncoin that your ads are most likely to be read.

The good old method of ads in convenience stores still works too. But do not forget that if you work, you need a legal status such as self-employed.

11. Work From Home:

Working from home has never been easier. Working from home is a very popular alternative for those who want to have an activity that offers some freedom.

The most well-known and accessible main work-at-home offers are Tupperware-type home sales meetings, work on the internet (writing articles, correcting articles, referencing, etc.).

I wrote an article on the list of jobs that can be done at home where I give you dozens of ideas. It’s up to you to choose what interests you.

I’m sure you’ll also come across job offers to do some stuffing (or direct mail) to supplement your income. Above all, don’t waste your time! In 99% of cases the offers will be scams.

Envelopes have long been out of date so avoid them!

12. Put advertising:

Advertising is everywhere and it is difficult to escape it. Even on this site there is advertising! Well yes, I also have to live…

Did you know that you can make ends meet very easily by placing advertising on your car with Je roue Futé, on your property with ExterionMedia billboards and even on your bike with Ecovelo.

Advertising that is considered passive income, that is to say not requiring much effort, can bring in several hundred euros per month.

But with these kinds of advertisements, know that there are many called but few elected.

13. Try Gambling:

With money games such as sports betting, horse racing, poker or the casino, you can lose money, it’s true, but you can also win it.

Do you know that bookmakers offer you up to 200 euros to bet? When you register on an online betting site, you have a welcome bonus offered to you.

So you play with this bonus without touching your money. It’s not bad to try to become a professional bettor if that’s the path you choose.

To collect the welcome bonuses, I recommend the references that are: France-Pari for sports betting, Unibet for poker.

Better yet, take advantage of the bonus offered by the FDJ to try your luck at the lottery. Even if it means playing as much as aiming for the maximum with the lotto, right?

By the way, I wrote an article presenting various more or less reliable tricks to increase your chances of winning the lottery. I recommend it.

14. Create a website or a blog:

You can very well earn a living just with a blog and make ends meet! Some bloggers make very comfortable salaries even if it requires a lot of work.

But creating a blog is really within everyone’s reach. On his new blog called JeWeb.xyz, Tristan will give you the best advice and help you get started. Tristan has already launched several successful blogs and shares his experience.

15. Invest:

Do you have money to invest? Alright!

If real estate remains the preferred investment of the French, others are just as interesting such as the purchase of a parking space which can bring in several hundred euros a month, the stock market or gold for those who prefer the long term.

Investing savings in wine is also becoming a trend and the yields are excellent. Similarly, the purchase of classic cars is on the rise and the owners are making nice capital gains on resale.

Again, it’s up to you to choose what interests you the most.

16. Sponsorship:

The majority of affiliate sites offer a referral system where each registered referral will bring you a certain amount. LeClubArgent.com’s main source of income is sponsorship.

Each time a person registers on a site that I present, I receive a small commission. You can do the same.

To recruit referrals, you can send emails to your friends, make good publications on your Facebook wall, put your affiliate links on the forums… To get started in sponsorship, nothing better than Loonea, Moolineo or Swagbucks and Yougov who provide tools to recruit a maximum of referrals.

17. Selling her hair:

This business is in full development and the demand is very strong. Do you know that it is possible to earn rather tidy sums by selling your hair?

I published an article on the sale of hair where I explain how much it pays, where to go and what hair is the most sought after.

18. Testing Medications:

This activity is a bit special and risky but pays the guinea pigs correctly.

According to the tests, it is possible to make 4500 euros over a year.

It’s a nice sum but don’t forget that sometimes there are disasters as was the case with Biotrial in 2016 where a drug tester died. If you like risks, why not… To find out more, read this article: Testing drugs: Everything you need to know.

19. Do some extras:

Becoming an extra for a film, a series, a clip is within everyone’s reach, but you still need to know where to go. This rewarding profession, both financially and personally, recruits all year round. To learn more, read my article on the profession of extra.

I think I have made a good summary of what works best at the moment to pocket euros.

Certainly you will not make a fortune, I admit it but with all these tips, you will certainly fill your wallet… If you have other solutions to make ends meet, do not hesitate to post a comment for us. to benefit.

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