Journalism enthusiasts: Free online journalism courses for beginners

 Journalism enthusiasts: Free online journalism courses for beginners


Register now for journalism courses for beginners
The most important courses that are offered for free on the most important specialized educational platforms
Although the digital age has invaded our world today, journalism still has its place, and there are many young people who want to become a journalist and find inclinations for that, and if you are one of those, do not hesitate for a moment to develop your skills and start from now on learning journalism and its principles.
And you can do this by always taking a paper and a pen with you, in order to write everything that comes to your mind or a situation you live in, your reaction to a TV scene, or a thought that occurred to you.
Write anything that is evidence of your beginning to learn journalism, and through the following lines we will shed light on teaching journalism for beginners, and mention the most important courses that can help you with that, so let’s continue together.
Journalism education for beginners
There are many courses that you can resort to in order to learn journalism at the beginning of your career, and below we will mention them:
Media editing skill course
Which is presented on the online platform and is one of the important courses for teaching journalism for beginners, and this course is offered at three different levels, a level for someone who is at the beginning of his learning, a level for an intermediate person, and a level for an advanced person in learning journalism.
Each level in these levels includes a detailed explanation, which displays the most important tools for each level, its defining terminology, its chapters, and its skills, in addition to that the course teaches beginners how to formulate the media material in its well-known templates, which include news, scenario, report and article, the records for this course on online.
Media and Communication course
This course is considered one of the most important courses that beginners can resort to in learning journalism. The course content revolves around the characteristics and features of technology, media and communication, and modern media, as well as talking about the dangers of technology. Modern communication, history of communication and media technology.
The session also discusses the media cycle and communication, the importance of the media and the most important challenges that it may face in the Internet age and the digital world, in addition to answering the most important questions related to this topic.
This is in addition to that it talks about communication and media technology, and its role in education, as well as talking about media actors between consumption and production, new media, and any role of the citizen in it, as well as the media and its various roles, and finally the media contents and their effects between the broadcaster and the recipient.
A course on the path of truth investigative journalism
This is considered one of the distinguished courses in teaching journalism for beginners, and this course focuses on investigative journalism, in which the role and importance of investigative journalism are discussed, the difference between investigative journalism and traditional journalism, the ethics of investigative journalism, types of investigative journalism, the history of investigative journalism, in addition to Discuss investigative journalism in terms of its definition and its pillars.
It is worth noting that this course focuses strongly on investigative journalism, which is one of the most important types of journalism, because it aims to search in depth and investigate accurately in order to reach the truth, and the reason for that is that it affects public interests and the interest of individuals. This course is one of the important courses that everyone who is about to learn journalism and learn its principles should take this course.
English for Journalism course
It is one of the most important courses for learning journalism, and it is presented on the Coursera platform, and it is presented by lecturer John Cotton, and this course is one of the courses affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania, which was fully funded by the Office of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the US Department of State.
This course is specially designed for non-native English speakers who want to learn the principles of journalism, in addition to developing their skills to suit the nature of modern journalism to work with. The course revolves around analyzing the growth, challenges and impacts of digital news, and exploring print and digital media through real readings and video lectures. , as well as training students in research and development.
 Students are also trained in research and development, and keenness to increase the ability of students in research and development, as well as explaining the principles and history of journalism, as well as explaining the basics of broadcasting news, and finally explaining how to broadcast, conduct interviews, and present presentations, and there is a lot of rich information that is provided in this session.
Media Ethics & Governance course
This course is related to media ethics, which is offered in English and sponsored by Amsterdam. The content of the course revolves around many theories, basic concepts, and models of media ethics, so it presents influential ethical theories and perspectives.
This is in addition to that through this course, students will have the knowledge of developing the history and knowledge of views on media ethics, in addition to that they will learn how to use the knowledge in developing arguments that are supported by evidence, and it is worth noting that when you complete this course, you will be awarded a certificate. .
Gathering and developing the news course
This is one of the most important free courses for teaching journalism for beginners, which is provided by the Coursera platform for free, and which is provided by the lecturer Joan C. Gercenter from Michigan State University. The content of the course revolves around collecting and developing news, as well as about journalists developing information through interviews and collecting sources, and that Because the production of journalism depends on many factors, including the processing of information from several different sources.
This is in addition to gathering news, researching and trying to find information, and finally conducting interviews. It is worth noting that this course gives you a certificate after completing it.
Journalism, the future, and you course
This is an excellent course for beginners in the field of journalism that should be attended, provided by Michigan State University, through which a beginner can learn about the career paths available in journalism, in addition to that through which you can learn about the most important opportunities that you can offer as a journalist.
Also, through this course, you can learn about many other journalistic fields, such as independent work in journalism, international correspondent, and self-publishing.
In addition, through this course, you can learn the secrets of developing your journalistic path, and how you can become a distinguished journalist in the future. It also makes you able to determine your position that you have become an experienced and strong journalist, or do you still need some journalistic training.
Previously, we presented to you the most important free courses that you can join in order to teach journalism professionally for beginners, through which you learn how you can become a skilled journalist, by learning the basics and ethics of the profession.


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