Charger / Headphones Broken? Make The Warranty Work!

 Charger / Headphones Broken? Make The Warranty Work!

Broken chargers and headphones are the evil of our time! When the cat doesn’t eat them, we lose them. Or if, by chance, we manage to keep them for more than two years, this is where our worst enemy appears: false contact!

Fragile and expensive objects!

In this context, it is difficult not to believe in planned obsolescence. Especially since the manufacturers charge us fortunes to replace these objects.

30€ headphones at Apple, it’s theft!

And the worst part is that you have to buy the official ones, because the unofficial ones will last you even less time πŸ™‚

Operate the warranty

We don’t necessarily think about it, but when you buy a phone, the warranty covers the phone and its accessories (earphones, chargers, etc.)!

Therefore, if your charger becomes finicky or if the sound quality of your headphones drops inexplicably (and this is not uncommon, especially with Apple…) or if any problem appears, even minor, nothing prevents you from returning to the store.

At 30€ per pair of headphones, it is better to try to have them replaced for free rather than buying them, right? πŸ˜‰

Fnac, Apple Store, Orange store, whatever. The important thing is that your phone (and therefore its accessories) is still under warranty.

Simply show up with your receipt in store. As long as the problem is covered by the warranty, it’s good πŸ˜€

At Apple, no need for a receipt! Everything is recorded in their files and they will be replaced for you for any small annoying problem during use. For example, a crackle or if only one earphone works.

Small bonus: if you bring other accessories than those you buy but of the same model (for example your friend’s iPhone headphones), we will replace them too. Indeed, sellers do not check this kind of thing πŸ˜‰

Now you can stop spending too much money on headphones πŸ™‚


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