Easy YouTube Shorts ideas you can try

 Easy YouTube Shorts ideas you can try

Short videos are becoming increasingly popular on various social networking platforms and among different users, and YouTube is one of the websites that has embraced this trend. If you’re willing to complement the longer content you create with some smaller snippets that highlight your content, you can see significant growth on your channel.

Shorts allows creators to record, share, and even watch short videos (60 seconds or less) on YouTube. This feature has many uses, including adopting and promoting new trends, participating in challenges, and creating entertaining content. By creating, editing and sharing short videos with YouTube Shorts, you can share your opinions and voice with the audience or create some funny videos for your friends to watch. All you need is your phone and an original idea to join the crowd of YouTube creators.

If you’re not sure what to post with a YouTube Short, we’ll help you out. This article lists some easy ideas you can try when posting short content on YouTube. Check YouTube Copyright: What Every Creator Needs to Know.

1. Videos you create

If you look at many of the content creators you love to see, you’ll notice that they often repurpose existing content. Doing so has many benefits, and one of the biggest is that you don’t have to constantly think of new ideas.

In addition to the videos you normally post on your YouTube channel, consider making short snippets that you can share quickly. Not only will doing this help increase your reach, but you can continue to provide value to people who don’t have time to watch your full content.

When creating excerpts from your videos, consider sharing them two weeks after you publish the full version. This way, you will still motivate people to see what you have to offer in a different way.

2. Explain a quick tip every time

If you’re struggling to get some ideas for a YouTube Short, a quick tip is a good starting point. As your channel grows, you will likely learn more about the struggles your audience may be facing. You can capture this information in several ways, such as reading the comments section and viewing YouTube analytics.

Once you know what your users care about, you can start offering simple tips they can implement. Briefly explain the problem before sharing what worked for you. At the time of writing in 2023, you can post Shorts up to 60 seconds long. That should be enough time; If you need more, consider making a longer video. Check out What Equipment Do You Need to Start a YouTube Channel?

3. Share what you learned this week

You will learn new things if you are actively creating content or engaging in a profession or hobby. And in some cases, you may find yourself picking up new information every week. While you may not give much thought to these lessons, what you pick up on will likely help someone else.

One fun YouTube Short idea is to start a series where you quickly share the top three things you’ve learned each week. Share it every Friday and direct it to other parts of your promotional strategy, like getting viewers to sign up for your newsletter.

4. Share multiple quick tips

In the previous point we discussed the idea of ​​sharing one tip in a YouTube Short. And while your audience will likely find this type of content useful, you can expand beyond just one piece of advice. If you can help others solve their problems in a short time, consider sharing a few quick tips.

Since you only have 60 seconds to work with, you’ll need to think pragmatically about how you can divide that time. You can include a sentence or two of around three points that you think will help viewers achieve their goals or answer their questions. Just make sure you get to the main point quickly.

5. Talk about apps that helped you achieve a goal

You are likely to use several software solutions if you work as a freelancer; The same applies if you are a student or an employee. People are likely to see your content because they have some challenges that they are facing, and you may also know something that they don’t.

You will find many useful apps in the market these days, such as Notion and Evernote. If any of these significantly change the way you work, consider giving a brief explanation and telling your users how they can create an account.

6. Explain the theory quickly

Technology is useful for completing your daily tasks and routines, but other things are also important. No matter what you do, you likely have your own unique way of approaching life and getting things done —  and others are likely to benefit from your wisdom.

If you have a theory or concept that you often work with, consider creating a YouTube Short to briefly explain what it is. You can also give an example of how the viewer applies your ideas to their daily life.

You can also explain productivity concepts, such as the Pomodoro Technique, if it works for you.

7. Express your opinion on common topics in your field of specialization

When you’ve put together a content calendar for your YouTube channel, you’ll likely have some evergreen topic ideas. And while that’s great, you should also provide a little wiggle room for the trends and discussions that arise throughout the year.

You can predict what will happen in your industry in the next 12 months, but it’s impossible to know for sure. And while it takes a long time to create longer videos, your subscribers shouldn’t be left in the dark.

Consider using a YouTube Short to provide your quick thoughts on a popular topic in your industry as it arises. You can also mention that you are working on a longer video that will give them a deeper view in the coming days to motivate them to wait for what you will share.

8. View the workflow of any modification

If you’re interested in visual art, like photography, you’ve probably noticed that some of your favorite creators post videos of their workflows on Instagram Reels. And if you want to create a YouTube channel about your craft, you can share your edits with a YouTube Short.

While it’s hard to show your entire editing workflow in 60 seconds, you can provide quick steps. Moreover, you can also show what your work looks like before and after editing it.

9. Summarize a book or review a piece of equipment

As you become more interested in your field, you will likely start investing in new educational equipment and resources. Some forms of technology, such as new cameras or lenses, are expensive. Moreover, people will also want to know if a book is worth buying before they spend their money.

You can create a quick summary with the YouTube Short of all of the above. Talk about the main things you learned if you were reading a book and what it is about. If you’re reviewing a piece of equipment, go over the specs briefly and give your overall opinion on whether it’s worth buying. verification.

Short videos on YouTube are an opportunity to grow your channel

YouTube Short is an exciting way for creators to build on the long-form content they share with their audiences. It is also versatile; You can easily use your smartphone to record and upload your content.

The ideas on this list should give you a good starting point. Consider sharing at least four short videos per week to complement the longer videos you share on your channel. 



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