Types and styles of adaptive learning

 Types and styles of adaptive learning By reviewing some of the literature, research and studies that dealt with adaptive learning, the researcher concluded that each of these studies dealt with adaptive learning from a specific aspect and according to a special nature. That is why different types of adaptive learning have emerged, and these types … Read more

The importance of adaptive learning in education

 The importance of adaptive learning in education By perusing the many literature and studies that dealt with adaptive learning writings the following benefits of adaptive learning environments can be drawn. Benefits of adaptive learning: 1. Providing learners with a new learning environment that enhances the learning process by providing adaptive content that is in line … Read more

Theories on which e-learning is based

 Theories on which e-learning is based The philosophy of e-learning is based on learning using a set of applications, and providing communication techniques through networks and other means for exchanging information. Some of the theories on which e-learning depends can be reviewed as follows: Communication theories. Communication is a process in which the teacher or … Read more

Electronic Calendar And its Features

 Electronic Calendar And its Features The technical development, the knowledge explosion, and the terrible acceleration in communication technologies and in the field of electronic evaluation, have produced an environment dependent on technology in all fields, including the educational field. We have come to see e-learning tools in our schools and universities, and we have recently … Read more

What are the areas that can be self-learned?

 What are the areas that can be self-learned? Self-taught domains are the processes and strategies that an individual learns on their own. By using the means that will help him achieve the goal, without the presence of a direct assistant to complete it. Where it refines the talent of the individual or gives him a … Read more

What Are The Criteria Of Evaluation Books?

What Are The Criteria Of Evaluation Books?  E-book evaluation criteria An ebook is an electronic file containing text, images, and possibly multimedia clippings, that is computer generated and published. E-books are read through personal computers, or through electronic devices designated for reading them known as e-book readers, and mobile phones and laptop computers may be … Read more

What are SCORM packages?

 What are SCORM packages? SCORM is an international file format standard most widely adopted by Learning Management Systems (LMS). The SCORM package is created using any of the electronic content management systems that support the SCORM standard, such as WBTExpress or Lectora. What is scorm? SCORM is a file structure in a defined and approved … Read more

What Is a Virtual Classroom?

 What Is a Virtual Classroom? Virtual Classrooms Virtual classrooms are similar to traditional classrooms in terms of the presence of both the teacher and the students, but they are located on the Internet, but they are not bound by time or place, and through them, virtual educational environments can be created between the teacher and … Read more
