Edx platform Free courses and certificates approved by international universities

 Edx platform Free courses and certificates approved by international universities

EdX educational text

Features, majors, registration, financial support, and free courses

Edx platform is the largest and most powerful foreign educational platform for online learning.

Edex provides courses and training programs in all fields and certificates accredited by international universities at the lowest financial cost.

, we present to you a detailed report on everything related to learning on the Edex platform, specializations, features, programs, certificates, steps to register and obtain financial assistance. Let’s follow my friends

What is the Edx platform?

The Edx platform or website is one of the largest and best global educational platforms open to online learning, aggregated by Moocs.

The edX platform was established in 2012 in partnership with Harvard University, the oldest and most prestigious international university, based in the United States of America, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Edex aims to provide scientific and training benefit through a group of training courses, educational programs and professional courses in all disciplines and fields with the aim of increasing knowledge, gaining experience, mastering skills, self-development and increasing employment opportunities.

The Edex platform grants internationally accredited academic certificates from international universities, professional certificates for employment in international companies, and qualification for business and career markets.

edX cooperates with many different institutions from all over the world among educational institutions, the largest international universities and other for-profit institutions, national governments, non-governmental organizations and multinational recruitment companies.

All this by studying online and breaking the barrier of location and cost, with the lowest financial costs.

Edx platform features

The Edex platform is the best choice for online learning because of the many features and facilities it offers, such as:

Edex training courses and educational programs are accredited by international universities and institutes.

Diversity of specializations and departments designed and offered by experts from international universities and industries.

Granting internationally accredited academic and professional certificates.

Possibility of studying a master’s degree in international universities and obtaining an accredited academic certificate.

Access to free support and financial assistance

The feature of converting the site into Arabic

Edex has a simple and easy user interface with various features and options.
Availability of technical support services for complaints and problems
The ability to use the site through applications on phones, smart devices and computers

What are the specializations of Edex courses?

Edex courses include more than 3,000 courses, courses and programs in a large number of various disciplines covering all fields, the most important of which are:
  • Management & Business
  • Computer science
  • Data science
  • Design
  •  Education
  • Engineering
  • Healthcare Public Health
  • Humanities
  • Languages
  • Leadership & interpersonal skills
  • Politics & Economics & Law
What are the sections and tracks of edex courses?

The tracks in edX courses are divided into 4 main sections:

  • Individual courses section
  • Department of full specialization
  • Professional Certification Section
  • Executive education department
We will mention to you all in detail the content of each of the sections available on IDEEX as follows:-

  • First: the individual courses section
  • It includes a group of dozens of free individual courses with short tracks for the purpose of knowledge or mastering a specific skill in a specific field.
You can participate in many different courses to acquire multiple skills.

Advantages of individual courses

Participate in these courses for free:

 You can attend these courses completely free of charge when choosing the listening track as a listener only without entering the exams track.

A great opportunity to learn a new skill and gain experience and competence in various fields and reliable sources.

Get certified at the lowest cost

Second: the full specialization section

The full specialization section includes a series of complementary courses in a specific field with the aim of specialization and experience in mastering that skill.

Edex gives you an internationally accredited academic certificate from international universities.

This section is not free, but the costs are not high, and you can apply for financial assistance to reduce the cost.

Requests for financial support and aid are often accepted for students from third world countries.

We will mention to you later how to obtain support and financial aid from Addex.

Full specialization courses are divided into levels:

Micro bachelor’s degree

The Edex platform offers programs for micro-bachelor students with educational content approved by partner universities.

The aim of these courses is to prepare students for jobs and the labor market.

The cost of a Micro-Bachelor course is less than 160 dollars per international unit, and discounts on courses and applications for financial assistance can be used to reduce the cost.

Micro master

EDEX supports postgraduate students through a series of training courses and educational programs at the micromaster level and grants accredited and reliable academic certificates.

Master’s degrees

The Department of Master’s Degrees or Master’s Degrees is a department dedicated to studying master’s degrees in partner foreign universities that offer reliable educational programs.

Obtaining an internationally accredited master’s degree at the lowest costs.

The cost of master’s degrees ranges from 10,000-25,000 dollars

Financial aid in the Master’s Degree section is limited to US students and residents.

Third: – Professional Certificates Section

This section includes a wide range of vocational courses with the aim of mastering the functional skills and professional work needed in the field of jobs and business and increasing employment opportunities.

Professional courses are offered and designed by global university and industry leaders.
The cost of a professional certificate ranges from 100-800 dollars.

You can get financial assistance by submitting a cost reduction application.

Fourth: Executive Education Department

The edX platform recently announced the opening of the executive education department, which aims to develop the technical and functional skills of the executive business.

What are Edex partner universities?

Edx cooperates with many prestigious international universities from all over the world. Among academic research universities, colleges of applied arts and liberal arts, some of the most famous Edx partner universities are:-

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology MASSACHUSETTS Institution For Technology
  • University of Texas System
  • Berkeley University of California
  • Sorbonne University
  • The University of Queensland
Are Edex certificates accredited?

Yes, the certificates awarded by Edex are reliable and accredited by partner universities, many international universities and many international institutions and companies.

What is the cost of Edex courses?

The costs of participating in courses on the Edex platform vary according to the courses, departments, and certificates awarded.

You can take a lot of individual courses on Edex completely free of charge but without getting a certificate.

Subscription prices for edX courses start from 50-100 dollars

As for the cost of professional certificates to increase employment opportunities, they range from 100 to 300 dollars

Course costs may range from $10,000 to $25,000 for master’s degrees.

How to get free support and financial aid from Edx?

What is most distinguished by Edex, the largest and most powerful online learning site, is the provision of golden opportunities for learning completely free of charge, and the provision of financial aid and large discounts for participating in courses.

Free support on the edX platform:

Edex allows you to attend courses for free if you register as a (listener), which means choosing the listening track only.

In this case, you are allowed to attend the courses for free, but without doing assignments and tests at the end of each course.

You will not receive a course completion certificate.

Edx financial aid feature

Edex provides financial aid to attend the courses and obtain a course completion certificate, after applying for financial assistance by reducing the costs of participation.

You will be asked some questions about the nature of your living and your financial level to decide if you are eligible for financial assistance

Here are suitable answers to accept your application for Edx financial assistance through this link
You can be eligible for a 90% discount on the certification track subscription.

Applications for financial aid for third world students are frequently accepted


Free support does not include full majors or professional certifications.

How to register on the Edx site

After we mentioned the details of the study to you on the Edex website, it is time to explain the steps to register on the platform, so let’s continue

The registration process on the edX platform is very simple and free, and takes place in a few minutes.

And registration on the Edx site requires only the use of a phone or any of the smart devices or computers

Here is how to register step by step:
  • Click on the website link below
  •  The user interface will open
  • Choose Register
Now you have to register your email account, you can register with Google (Gmail) account, Facebook account, Microsoft account or Apple account
Enter a password and do not forget to save it by taking a screenshot or keeping it in a safe place.
It will ask you to enter the name of the country
Username Choose any name or nickname with numbers and signs.
Click on free registration
With the last step of registration, you will click on the button to agree to the usage policy.
A confirmation code will be sent to your account by the registered mail.
Once you have completed the registration, you have actually subscribed to the edX platform.
You are now an active member of the edX website, and you can view all courses and sections with ease and choose the right one for you from among the many excellent options.
We are waiting for you in the comments if you encounter any problem during registration.
Edex also features a simple and easy-to-handle user interface, with the presence of a technical support team to respond to complaints.

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