Electronic Calendar And its Features

 Electronic Calendar And its Features

Electronic Calendar And its Features

The technical development, the knowledge explosion, and the terrible acceleration in communication technologies and in the field of electronic evaluation, have produced an environment dependent on technology in all fields, including the educational field.

We have come to see e-learning tools in our schools and universities, and we have recently seen the approval of opening the e-university, and from this standpoint it was necessary to address the e-learning tools.

Perhaps the most important of these tools is the electronic evaluation, which measures the extent of learning that the student has obtained, as the computer is used to design and build the test, present it to students, manage it, correct it, deliver it, and give comprehensive reports on the students’ educational status and the extent of their scientific growth.

The difference between electronic tests and traditional tests

1 – Traditional tests: The traditional tests, the paper and pen test, do not clearly show academic growth, do not measure the level of the student properly, and do not provide a vision for the teacher on how to modify the curriculum to improve learning.

2- Electronic tests: There are many differences between electronic and traditional tests, including, for example, the following:

  • Interactive
  • Multimedia and breadth
  • Flexibility and time saving
  • High validity and reliability of the test
  • The correction is automatic
  • The possibility of the student to practice the test more than once
  • The speed of getting results
  • Significantly reduce the phenomenon of fraud
  • Keep records
  • Limit feedback time
  • It contains an advanced database to save and store questions with their answers

Disadvantages of E-exam:

  • Difficulty measuring higher skills
  • Difficulty correcting essay questions
  • Possible hardware or network failures
  • Preparing questions takes a lot of time and effort
  • Computers need maintenance
  • Maintaining the security of test questions, students’ answers, and their scores
  • cheating from others
  • Cheating from unauthorized sources
  • Students need skill and experience in the field of information technology
  • The teacher needs training in assessment, IT skills, and exam administration
  • All parties involved in the tests must be highly organized (test designer, test taker, technicians and supervisors).

 Characteristics of electronic tests:

Electronic tests have many characteristics, perhaps the most important of which are:

1. Interactivity: It means an important presentation to the student and the possibility of a quick response to his actions. It is a concept that refers to the action and reaction between the learner and what the computer presents to him.

2. Simultaneous interaction with diverse students means engaging in different interactions with diverse students at the same time.

3. Versatility and breadth Calendar tasks can be viewed through multimedia, which makes the tasks more realistic.

 4. The use of networking means that everything will be connected, which means that test-setting institutions, schools, parents, administrators, writers, test reviewers, scorers, and students will be linked electronically.

5. Profiling means that the network will operate according to a set of specific rules that the participants follow, allowing easy exchange of information and entry into multiple computer environments.

6. The Internet allows presenting any content to a huge number of people, obtaining data immediately and processing this data, and making the information available anywhere in the world at any time.

 Objectives of applying electronic tests

*. Employing modern technology effectively in the educational process to achieve quality in education.

*. Training teachers to build modern evaluation methods to measure all aspects of the educational process.

*. Spreading the culture of using technology in education, which helps in creating an electronic society that is able to keep pace with the latest developments.

*. It aims to reduce material costs for the teacher by dispensing and printing papers.

*. Reducing the burden by correcting students’ answers and automatically monitoring their grades, thus contributing to increased productivity and organized work.

 E-exam design stages:

The process of designing and producing electronic tests goes through six stages:

1. Analysis phase: Determining the general objective of the test – identifying the characteristics of the test takers – analyzing the learning material to formulate the content of the test – analyzing the reality.

2. Design phase: writing test questions – defining test instructions – defining the time for selecting question forms and response patterns, selecting multiple test media – defining feedback methods – defining correction methods.

3. Test production phase: Selection of test software authoring programs – initial testing and arbitration of test software and then development.

4. Electronic publishing and distribution stage: Publishing the test on the Internet, CDs and DVDs _ Distributing the test for students to take it where they are.

5. Application phase: testing the test on a sample of students – collecting test application data – announcing the test results electronically.

6. Evaluation stage: Knowing the validity of the electronic environment, the validity of its transfer and connection, and the extent to which the confidentiality of the test is secured.


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