How to Profit A YouTube Without Adsense? (11 Proven Methods)

 How to Profit A YouTube Without Adsense? (11 Proven Methods)

How to Profit A YouTube Without Adsense? (11 Proven Methods)

It is known that profit from Adsense ads on YouTube may not be enough, especially for young beginners, and as it is also known, there are many other ways in which you can profit from YouTube without Adsense.

We will provide you with the best solutions and the best alternatives.

Monetizing YouTube videos is a topic that every YouTube user is interested in. I see questions about how people make money on YouTube frequently. After all, if you enjoy making videos, why not monetize them to sustain yourself while doing what you love?

But how easy is it to make money from YouTube?

The first thing that comes to mind for people starting out on YouTube is to make money by monetizing their videos. Some mistake the process as easy as uploading videos to YouTube and seeing the money.

In fact, there are many misconceptions that beginners have about the so-called easy way to make money.

I will give you the most important reasons why making money from YouTube with Adsense cannot be the only source of money in 2023. I will review the best alternatives to making money from YouTube without Adsense.

The ugly truth about adsense

You need to meet certain criteria

You must have 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the last 12 months to join the program. Reaching these numbers doesn’t happen overnight. Reaching 1000 subscribers takes time and work, so you will not be able to use AdSense to earn money from the very beginning of your channel.

You are not paid for views

Many people who are considering creating a YouTube channel ask how much you pay for views on YouTube, or how much money you will make if you have 3000 views of a video. There is no answer to these questions.

You get paid from the money advertisers pay to display their ads on your videos. They are only charged if the viewer watches the ad for at least 30 seconds (or the entire ad if the ad is shorter than 30 seconds).

If no one sees ads that pop up on your video, or if they use AdBlock, you won’t see any money.

It depends on your channel niche

Since you only get paid when ads appear on your videos and viewers watch them, that means you need ads on your videos.

The number of ads that will be displayed depends on your channel niche. The company that sells the phones won’t pay for ads that run on your animal food videos because your audience isn’t a good fit for the business. Thus, if you’re in a place where companies don’t pay for ads, you’re not going to have much success with that.

For small channels, there is not a lot of money to be made

As a guideline, you can expect to make around $1 per 1,000 views. That’s not a lot of money for a new YouTube channel that gets two thousand views per video.

You can check out this calculator if you want to get estimates on how much money your YouTube channel can make with AdSense.

So what now? Do you really need Adsense to earn from YouTube?

Monetizing with Advance is an easy way to make money from YouTube, but only after your channel starts to thrive. Until then, there are other ways you can make money from YouTube without AdSense, and most of the YouTubers use them to make income from creating videos. In fact, YouTubers are not only focused on making money from ads, most of them also have other ways to increase their earnings.

I will share with you the 11 best ways you can make money from YouTube without Adsense.

Profit from YouTube without Adsense

1. Profit from YouTube through affiliate marketing

Becoming an affiliate marketer is the easiest way to make money from YouTube without AdSense.

Earning money through affiliate links means that you advertise certain products in your videos and encourage your viewers to buy the product. You will have a link to the product in the video description, which is a special URL attached to your account.

Every time someone makes a purchase through one of your links, you will receive a commission for that sale.

 ⭐ Perfect for: Any YouTuber who wants to promote products

What do you know about this method

It’s easy and time consuming?

You just need to put the links to the products you want to promote in the description. This will only take 2 minutes to do.

Everyone can do that.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a small YouTube channel, you can still implement this money making technique into your videos from scratch.

You are not limited to the products you promote.?

 Even if you put a link to a specific product on your videos, if the person buys something else after clicking on your link, you will still get a commission for what they bring. This means that you can be surprised to get a commission for a $1,000 item, even if you promote a $20 item.

how do you do that

▶ Select the products niche.

If you don’t already have a channel working on a specific topic, you can look for areas where there is a high demand for products.

▶ Choose some products.

Ask yourself which products will be useful to your audience.

▶ Choose an affiliate program or company.

The most popular affiliate program is Amazon Associates. You can find variety of products to promote anywhere and it is globally used platform where people trust to buy from.

▶ Talk about products in your videos.

Either you start doing product reviews, which means you will have videos dedicated to promoting products. Or you can just mention the products and why you recommend them in your regular videos.

▶ Always disclose your use of affiliate links.

Don’t try to hide the fact that you get commissions from sales. Your audience will trust you more if you are transparent with them.

▶ Don’t advertise products you don’t know anything about.

Choose only products that you know and can recommend. If you promote random products and they turn out to be bad, it will reflect badly on your channel.

2. Profit from YouTube by promoting a brand

Another way to monetize YouTube without Adsense is sponsorship. This is how many YouTubers make money or a lot of cool freebies. Getting sponsored by a brand means that you get paid to promote the brand mentioned in your videos.

⭐ Perfect for: YouTube channels with a decent following

What do you know about her
You need a subscriber base before you can get a YouTube sponsorship.

For brands to collaborate with you, there has to be something they can benefit from. When you have no followers or very few subscribers, brands will not be interested in your channel because there are no potential prospects for their products.

? You can get money or items.

If your YouTube channel is rather small, brands will give you free items in exchange for promotion instead of money.

Sponsors will come to you at the right time.

As your channel starts to grow, you will receive emails about sponsorship offers. Companies look to promote their products wherever their target audience spends time. And if your channel is one of those places, you’ll be exposed to suggestions.

How do you check it out
▶ Find companies related to your channel.

Take some time to research which brands are selling products that interest your audience. Make a list of them, also keeping in mind their popularity. Start small and grow from there.

▶ Set some ground rules.

Sponsors will try to dissuade cooperation in their favor. In order not to be drawn into something that you are not comfortable with, it is best to set yourself some rules that you are not willing to compromise. For example, you may not agree to allow sponsors to suggest editing your videos. If so, be clear about that.

▶ Prepare your offer.

In order to convince brands to pay you for the promotion, you need to write a compelling proposal that highlights why they should do it. If you have previous experience promoting products, your offer should show the positive results you have obtained.

▶ Learn how to negotiate.

Do not accept any offer from the beginning. Usually, people start with less money that they are actually willing to pay. Don’t miss the chance to get more money.

▶ Do not accept unrelated sponsorships.

You may find that sometimes companies come to you with sponsorship proposals that are completely unrelated to your channel. If it doesn’t work for your audience, don’t do it. It may seem like you’re giving up an opportunity to make money from YouTube, but promoting unrelated products will drive subscribers away from your channel.

3. Profit from YouTube by selling goods and products

One of the ways to make money from YouTube without Adsense is to sell merchandise. There are two ways you can go about this. You can either acquire products, buy them in bulk, and sell them at a higher price (Amazon or Shopify strategy). Or, if you can produce and create your own product, you can leverage YouTube and sell it on your channel.

⭐ Perfect for: YouTubers who make their own products (jewelry industry, apparel industry), merchants

What should you know about it

It takes a lot of your time to create and create a product or take it from another supplier.

You will have to handle orders, packing and delivery. This process will take a significant amount of time.

If you want to jump into selling products for profit from YouTube, make sure you have enough time on hand to handle it in a professional manner. If you do not respect your orders professionally, you will not be able to fulfill them. Customer satisfaction is one of the most important aspects of e-commerce.

 It requires space to store products.

You will need a space to use as a warehouse. You can do this in your own home, but depending on the dimensions of the items, your home may start to get crowded.

You should be aware of the fees.

There will be shipping charges from the manufacturer to you, packing supplies, and warehouse supplies (*if you choose to store your items in a warehouse). Make sure that whatever you have to pay for the metrics you will get for it and you will still have profit.

If you make your own, this is perfect.

When you’re the maker of the products, all you have to worry about are the materials needed and the packaging supplies (and the time you’ll have to put into creating the product, of course).

And if you’ve already made stuff, that means you love doing it. YouTube gives you the chance to do what you love and earn money for it.

how do you do that
▶ Choose the products you want to sell.

If you are looking for products, you can use some tips on how to find the best products to sell on Amazon. You can source products from China, where manufacturing fees are lower, and sell them in another market (such as the US or UK) for a higher price.

Choose products that are light, hard to break, and preferably small.
▶ Build a YouTube channel around these products.

In order to sell products, you don’t have to make videos just talking about them. Conversely, you want to make videos that are related to your products, but not directly selling them.

Let’s say you want to sell jewelry. You can make videos about choosing the right earrings for an occasion, jewelry maintenance, or organizing necklaces. These types of videos can be optimized to rank and will bring traffic to your channel.

Moreover, you will position yourself as a reference figure in the position that people trust.

This is an example of a YouTube channel using videos to generate sales for their own products.

This method is profitable, and in parallel with that, you can create an online store to sell these products and convert visitors to the store.

Are you still thinking about how to profit from YouTube without Adsense? E-commerce is a great opportunity for YouTube users better than others because they have a ready audience, in addition to the fact that e-commerce is the future of global trade.

4.Profit from YouTube by selling T-shirts

If you’re not familiar with it yet, you can sell t-shirts online without having to deal with t-shirt purchasing, printing, and delivery. It’s called print on demand. There are many websites that provide such services.

⭐ Perfect for: YouTubers with design skills or great ideas for designs
What should you know about it

You need great t-shirt designs.

The internet is full of options when it comes to t-shirts. In order to compete in the market, your designs must be creative and stand out.

You don’t have to handle the goods.

All you have to do is upload your designs to your favorite website, CafePress is an example, and everything else is outsourced. When someone makes a purchase, you don’t have to do anything about it.

 You don’t have to advertise constantly.

It’s easy to promote your t-shirts. You just have to wear them in your videos. If the designs are cool, viewers will be like, “I want one of these!” They will find the link to get it in the description.

You can also add a call to action at the end of your videos to ask people to review your store.

It is suitable for almost any niche.

Music buffs, gamers, tech junkies, animal lovers, cooking enthusiasts. Whatever your audience, you can come up with funny scripts related to niche illustrations or cool illustrations that your viewers will wear with pride.

You can do this without a website.

While having your own website has its benefits, such as having complete control over how it looks, adding calls to action, or collecting emails, you can still sell without it.

On most print-on-demand websites, you can customize your own page to your designs.

how do you do that

▶ Get your designs ready.

If you are good at graphic design, this is the right moment to splash your creative juice. You can also pay professional designers on sites like Fiverr or 99design if you are not very good at graphic design.

▶ Don’t just focus on what you love.

If you are aiming to make money from YouTube without AdSense by selling t-shirts, you should be aware that if you like the design, it does not mean that it will sell. When sales are what you’re after, you need to do market research before designing and figure out the best styles and themes that generate the highest sales.

▶ Find a print-on-demand supplier.

Teespring, Zazzle, and Threadless are just a few.

▶ Try the goods.

Before you start selling, you need to make sure that the t-shirts are of good quality. Order some shirts for yourself to test the quality.

▶ Make videos related to T-shirt designs.

Let’s say you choose your designs to be related to music. This means that you have to attract music fans to your YouTube channel. To do this, you can make music reviews, teach tips on using instruments or even make covers of music.

This YouTuber started selling T-shirts because his fans asked to see merchandise from him.

5.Profit from YouTube by selling e-books

Selling eBooks is a great way to make money on YouTube without ads. People love books in digital format because they are easy to browse from any device. Writing books and using a YouTube channel to promote them is a great way to realize yourself.

⭐ Perfect for: YouTubers with writing skills
What should you know about it

You can write about any topic.

Self-development, writing about a specific profession, and teaching others how to make money. You can write about any topic you know.

You don’t have to write a lot.

Publishing an e-book does not mean you have to write a hundreds of page novel. You can write a 40-60 page ebook with insightful information.

It’s an easy process.

It involves no selling of physical items, no technical skills required, and no monetary investment. All you need is a laptop, some time and your inspiration.
how do you do that

Decide what kinds of books you want to write.

If you’re a writer, chances are you already have your own style and interests. If you’re open to experimentation, you can research topics people are interested in and see if you can find something you enjoy writing about.

▶ Upload your eBook on Amazon.

Amazon makes it easy for writers to sell their books through Kindle Direct Publishing. All you have to do is sign up for an account, upload your PDF, add your cover, set your price, and you’re done. Now go promote it on your YouTube channel.

6. Profit from YouTube by selling digital products

Digital products are probably the easiest things to sell online nowadays. If you have ideas about products your audience will benefit from, you can create an app.

If you are a graphic designer, you can create templates or prints. Photographers can sell their photos. – you get the picture. Selling digital products is the most popular way to profit from YouTube without Adsense and without ads. They do not over promote their products in the videos, but they do mention it from time to time to attract viewers to their website.

⭐ Perfect for: Tech enthusiasts, YouTubers with programming skills, YouTubers with vision.

What should you know about it

You sell a product, but you don’t have to deal with the physical labor.

Since it is completely digital, it is very easy to manage orders. You don’t need dedicated storage space, you don’t have to deliver products, you can be anywhere in the world and still sell.

It is easy to improve products.

Like I said, everything happens online, you don’t make the products. You program them from a computer. This makes it easy to make adjustments and improve your products in a timely manner.

You have to invest in the beginning.

If you are a programmer and can create the products yourself then you have to invest a good amount of time in it. If you have ideas but don’t know how to put them into practice, you can pay someone to build the products just the way you want them.

It is a market that continues to grow.

People are using more and more digital products every day. There is so much room for you to grow and an endless oasis of possibilities.

It is a way to generate passive income.

Once your digital products are ready for people to buy, there is not much work left on your part other than promotion.

how do you do that

▶ Think about what will benefit your audience.

If you’ve already built a subscriber base, take a look at your viewership. What problems do they face that can be solved with a digital product?

What would they be interested in buying from you?

▶ Strategize.

There is no growth without a strategy. If you want to make an app, create a free demo, edit it and upload comments. Are viewers interested in your product? Do they have suggestions?

Take all the feedback you can and improve your app into a more resourceful premium product. If you want to sell templates, icon packs, and things like that, make some free offers first to get viewers to the bottom of your product page and link them to your premium packs.

▶ Create a website.

If you don’t already have a website, now is the time to create one. You don’t need anything complicated. A simple, clean, easy-to-navigate website with great copy is enough. See how to create a WordPress blog.

▶ Make videos.

When you’ve decided what your products are, don’t wait until they’re ready to start videotaping. Create videos on the topic of your products to grow a community interested in your future releases. When the products are ready, you will already have an audience to sell to.

7. Profit from YouTube by selling courses and courses

If you have mastered skills in a specific field, you can make a course and make money from YouTube by selling it.

⭐ Perfect for: YouTubers with skills in a particular niche area, people who enjoy teaching others
What should you know about it

People on YouTube want to learn.

One of the main reasons people spend time on YouTube is to learn new things and improve their skills. This makes YouTube a great place to promote your courses and courses.

It is passive income.

As with digital products, you can create a course and put it on your website for people to buy.

The only thing you need to worry about is promoting it properly in your videos.

Of course, to make better sales, you can use additional promotional strategies like using a Facebook group or promoting on Pinterest, but that comes down to how much time you are willing to invest. You will invest some time now in a product that can make you money long from now.

You already have the knowledge.

After you’ve learned some skills for yourself, it’s easy to understand what others need help with, what information they need, and how to organize the content so that learning is effective.

 It gives you room to grow on your own terms.

Usually, people who sell courses or pieces of training will make a short e-book so as to let potential customers peek into the type of content they offer.

From there, things can go more ways. You can create a premium course to sell for a high price, such as $997. Or, you could split the course into sections and charge separate fees for each section, and even offer a promotional price to those who purchase the full series. There are endless possibilities for adopting an effective strategy.

You must license your courses.

You don’t want someone who bought your course to share all of its content for free on the Internet afterwards, do you? Licensing your content is another extra step, but you can easily take care of it with the help of a lawyer.

how do you do that

Determine the format of the course.

You can make video courses, written resources, and PDFs with exercises. All content can be written, or you can mix things up and do a variety of written content and video content. The more entertaining, the better.

▶ Create a cartoonish website.

Yes, you will need a website for this too. Don’t feel overwhelmed and don’t go overboard. Start off nice and clean is the way to go.

If you don’t want to deal with a website, you can upload your courses to websites like Udemy and promote the course on YouTube. While this approach may seem easier, I don’t recommend it because it gives creators a really small amount of money for their sales.

▶ Make videos on the topic.

So to make money on YouTube using this method people need to first trust your skills. Show them what you know and how you can help them. Give them tips on the topic, and teach them in your videos. If your YouTube content is good and helps people, they will want to hear more from you and will be more likely to be open to paying for your wisdom.

8. Profit from YouTube by offering and providing services

Are you an accomplished content marketer?

Or maybe you can help others take control of their lives through counseling sessions? This can be an excellent way to make money using YouTube videos to generate leads.

⭐ Perfect for: YouTubers who can help people in certain areas by offering consulting services.

What should you know about it

It gives you a wide range of leads.

Users on YouTube are from all over the world, which means you can reach people no matter where you are or where they are. Compared to when you provide your services locally where you are limited to companies or people who live in your area.

You will establish yourself as an expert in this field.

When you use YouTube videos to prove your knowledge, people start to perceive you as an authority in your niche. This means that more people will be eager to take advantage of your services.

Once you expand your channel enough, people will ask for your services.

If you create videos to teach people how to do certain things, you may find that people will come asking for your services even if you don’t advertise it anywhere. This is because they see that you know what you are talking about.

how do you do that

▶ Start creating confidence-building videos.

Create videos where you teach skills related to your services.

▶ Don’t hold back from sharing information.

You may feel like you don’t want to give away too much information because, “If I taught them how to do it, they wouldn’t hire me, would they?”.

Well, not exactly. There will be people around to learn for themselves, which is good because they will be involved and help grow your channel. But there will also be other prospects, who have the money to hire you and don’t have the time to invest in learning. However, before they pay you for services, they need to know first that you are good at what you do.

▶ Get video testimonials.

Having others vouch for you with experience will raise your confidence levels. Just make sure the testimonials are real. Paying someone to record a written testimonial isn’t a great idea because viewers might notice that it isn’t real.

9. Profit from YouTube by providing a service to your audience

If the way you speak is inspiring to others and you have interesting perspectives or great insights into your niche, you can make money from YouTube videos without monetizing them directly. You can use your YouTube channel to make people aware of your speaking skills, get invited to speak at events, or record audio files for other people’s videos.

⭐ Perfect for: YouTubers with speaking skills, channels in the fields of motivation and self-improvement, people with great ideas and interesting perspectives.

What should you know about it

Just focus on your videos.

Since you will be selling your speaking skills, you won’t have to deal with creating products to sell. This will give you more time to focus on the quality of your videos.

 You can benefit from your life experience.

If you take a look at the best speakers out there, regardless of niche, you will find that they all share relevant life experiences in their speeches. For example, if you talked about self-improvement, this is your chance to tell your story about the difficulties you were able to overcome.

It only works with certain disciplines.

Because you will be required to participate in events, it means that there must be events in the place you are targeting. There are areas where there are no events that involve hadith.

You are restricted to your local area.

In order to participate in the events, they must be located somewhere near where you live.

If you live in a city where there are not a lot of events, then focusing on becoming a speaker might not be the best option for making money on YouTube without ads. When you can become a successful and popular YouTuber, you may be able to travel to other countries to give speeches as you will get enough money to cover your trip expenses.

how do you do that

▶ Make videos to inspire people.

The best speakers are the best because they know how to talk and tell stories in a way that makes you feel more motivated and inspired just by listening to them. Learn how to make your videos more inspiring.

▶ Get close to interesting topics.

Inspirational videos are the ones that make people want to be better. Whether it’s about self-improvement, becoming healthier, being more productive at work, or being kinder to the environment and people in need.

All inspirational videos aim to charge people with positive energy.

10. License your videos

A license for the videos you upload protects you from someone stealing your content and using it in a way that you don’t agree with.

But besides that, you can also make use of the license to earn money from your YouTube videos. If you create videos that can go viral, media publications will want to use those videos on their website or in commercials.

If your content is licensed then others will not be able to use it without your consent which will make them pay for it.

⭐ Perfect for: YouTubers with short videos

What should you know about it

? You can get a better offer.

Some licensing sites will also promote your videos on their social channels or communities in which you participate. This will put your videos in front of a larger audience.

 It’s very easy to try.

This is probably the easiest way to profit from YouTube without Adsense. All you need are some short videos with humor, cute things, animals or curious recordings.

 It is an opportunity to get passive income.

Even if you don’t make videos for the sole purpose of licensing them, you might have short and funny videos or a cute recording of your pets. You can submit links to these videos on the licensing website in a matter of minutes.

Your videos will then be uploaded without the need for any action on your part. If people are interested in the videos, they will be licensed from the website and you will receive the money in your PayPal account.

You won’t see much money.

While it is difficult to say how much money you can get by licensing your videos because it depends on how many sales you get and how much money you make from monetization, there is no such thing as a huge amount of money. You can make more money if you create viral content, but don’t expect to get rich. However, it is an easy way to make money.

how do you do that

▶ If you want to sell, you need to know what you are selling.

While you can license any video you make and hope someone wants to buy it, if you really want to make money on YouTube through licensing, you’ll need to look at the type of video content media you’re paying for.

▶ License your videos.

Head to a website like Jukin Media and start licensing your videos.

All you have to do is register and submit your videos. From there, media publications will come to the website, search for the type of content they want, and if they like your videos, they will buy them.

11. Get paid for a spot on our video end cards

YouTubers are always looking for ways to promote their channel. One such method is to post a link to their channel in an end card on someone else’s video. This approach is not very common. I came across one youtuber who talks about his experience of renting links on youtube and he was offered $150-500 per month to promote links on his categorized videos.

⭐ Perfect for: Any YouTuber with a decent following
What should you know about it

The YouTubers you promote must be relevant.

Although there are YouTubers who are willing to pay you for promotions even if their videos are not related to yours in any way, it is best to take this opportunity. Sharing irrelevant things with your audience will cause them to lose confidence in the quality of the resources you provide.

 If you have enough subscribers, people will come to you.

It is not uncommon for YouTubers with a large subscriber base to receive inquiries about promotion in their end cards.

 It can be very difficult to find people on your own.

Like I said above, people will come to you when your channel is growing. Until then, if you want to take advantage of this approach, you have to find interested YouTubers yourself. While this is an easy way to monetize YouTube videos, it can be time consuming if you are chasing opportunities.

It is not the best way to earn from YouTube.

While you can take advantage of the extra money you can make selling space on your end cards when you have a large channel, it may not be worth the time invested looking for opportunities. It’s up to you and how much time you have available.

how do you do that

▶ Find related smaller channels.

Find YouTube channels relevant to your niche that have a smaller audience than you. Once you find a couple of YouTubers, make them an offer. Make sure you tell them a little bit about your audience and how they can benefit from being featured in your video.

▶ For better chances, be patient.

To boost your offer’s chances of success, it’s best not to jump straight into it. Try to establish a real connection with the other YouTuber before trying to sell card space.

Share his content, comment on his videos, and make him notice you before sending him a message. You will have better chances of impressing him.

▶ Focus on making your videos tidy.

If your videos are not found anywhere in the search results, why would someone pay to appear in your videos? Learn how to properly optimize your videos to rank high in order to grow your channel and get people to notice you.


After you’ve gone through all of these ways you can make money from YouTube without AdSense and without ads, I hope you have a better idea of ​​the opportunities available to you.

There is no universal best way to make money from YouTube.

How profitable the idea will be depends on your YouTube channel and on a variety of aspects such as:

*. Your channel niche
*. What are your skills (teaching, presenting, bantering, selling, inspiring)
*. how much time you have
*. What is your channel size?

As a beginner, you first need to grow your channel into a decent following before you start earning from YouTube. Upload quality content regularly and as soon as you start seeing some traction, implement one of these ways to earn money from YouTube without AdSense.

Don’t jump into doing them all at once. Pick one, learn how to utilize it properly, and you can grow in it significantly over time.

Common questions

Does YouTube pay money for each video uploaded?

YouTube does not pay creators for the videos they upload. Videos are not monetized by default. In order to start making money on YouTube, you must enable monetization in the YouTube account settings and fulfill the conditions for earning from YouTube.

Do YouTubers get paid for views without ads?

If your video gets thousands of views but no one watches or clicks on the ad, you won’t make any money. This is due to YouTube’s criteria for billing advertisers: a viewer has to click on an ad or watch the entire ad (10, 15 or 30 seconds) in order to get paid.

How do YouTubers make money?

You can earn money on YouTube with the following features: Ad Revenue: Get ad revenue from image, overlay, and video ads. Channel Memberships: Your members pay monthly recurring payments for the special perks you offer.

When does YouTube pay you?

YouTube only pays you after you earn $100 or more placing ads on your channel and videos.

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