How To Profit From Google Adsense [ Your Comprehensive Guide 2023 ]

 How To Profit From Google Adsense [ Your Comprehensive Guide 2023 ]

How To Profit From Google Adsense [ Your Comprehensive Guide 2023 ]

In this article, I will cover all aspects of making money from Google Adsense through a website. This article represents a complete guide to making money from Adsense.

My goal is not only to make this article a reference for everyone who wants to work as a Google Adsense publisher, but I will also make you understand the idea from the ground up.

My goal is to make you start your way as a publisher with awareness and awareness of everything surrounding the topic, also those who already work as publishers in Google Adsense, will find in this article something new and useful.

Note: I write this article for everyone who is serious and can provide value to visitors to his site. I write only for those who intend to respect Google policies and take them as a reference in everything related to their account.

What is Google Adsense?

Google Adsense is an advertising company affiliated with Google. By subscribing to it, you, as a publisher (website owner), can make profits by placing ads on your site.

In order to understand the idea more deeply, we had to deal with the definition of Google Adwords (recently it became known as Google Ads):

Google Ads: It is a subsidiary of Google, through which every marketer or advertiser can advertise to get visitors for any marketing purpose. Google Ads represents the other side of Google Adsense.

In fact, Google acts as an advertising mediator between the advertiser who wants to get visitors, and the publisher who wants to get a profit by including these ads on his own site.

This, of course, is done through a very smart targeting system, so that ads appear on your site that are compatible or related to the content you provide on this site.

The company that organizes the process of buying visitors from Google is called Google Ads, and the company that organizes the process of placing these ads in the sites shared in this system is called Google Adsense, and this is the one that you will deal with as a publisher.

In fact, the Google system for advertising exchange, with Google Adsense and Google Ads, is not limited to that only, but here I am dealing with the issue from the angles that serve our topic about profit from Google Adsense, by owning a website.

What do you need to start earning from AdSense?

1. A good website idea

You should choose a website idea that matches your personal interests, if you are going to write the content yourself.

In the event that you will use others, you must ensure that there is a continuous source of content for your site.

You also have to choose a site idea that has a demand from the public, in this you can use the Google tool to know the search rate on the keywords that your site will address.

2. Buy hosting and a domain name

There are a lot of options at this stage, and they are suitable for all cases. If you do not have enough money to buy hosting and a paid domain name, then you should be satisfied with the Blogger blog at the beginning.

But if you have a surplus for investment, you should buy paid hosting and choose a domain name for your site.

3. Create a website

This option depends on the previous option. If you choose Blogger, it is an integrated tool for creating a website. But if your choice is to create a website through hosting and a paid domain name, you should refer to the two topics below:

*. How to create a website (in which you will find all the information and important points for creating a professional website)

*. Steps to create a WordPress site (in which you will find a simple and easy practical explanation, with illustrations of how to create a WordPress site)

I will assume here that you have chosen WordPress as your website creation tool.

4. Create good, useful and exclusive content for your site

Here we are not talking about content that fills a box in order to complete the profit factors from Adsense, but we are talking about content that provides real value to your site visitors, exclusive content that does not violate Google policies and is constantly renewed.

5. Fill out the application form in Google Adsense

We will explain it in detail shortly.

6. Start placing Adsense codes in the appropriate places on your site to start making profits.

We will discuss this point shortly as well.

The specifications of the site that is accepted in Google Adsense

 In this part, I will address a set of criteria that must apply to your site before you start registering for Google Adsense.

In order to be accepted into the Google Adsense program, make sure that you have a site that meets the following:

 1. A site that features exclusive and valuable content and is in compliance with Google AdSense policies

You have to provide something that really benefits your site visitors, and in this way you will get visitors to your site on the one hand, and on the other hand, this is what Google places as a priority in measuring quality in all of its services, including Google Adsense of course.

Also, you must create content that complies with Google Adsense policies, as there are some types of content that are prohibited from being accepted in participating in Google Adsense.

As for the quantitative aspect, many wonder about the number of articles required in order to apply for participation in Google Adsense.

This question does not have a definitive answer, but it is preferable that your site contains a good number of articles, say no less than 30 articles, for example, but remember that this element works with the rest of the elements, and cannot be relied upon independently.

2. A well-designed and visitor-friendly website

The visitor’s experience must be good in dealing with your site, in order to be accepted in Adsense, this includes a good and simple design that is compatible with all devices.

Also, the pages of your site should be linked together to facilitate the visitor’s transition between the pages of the site.

Since we are talking about the WordPress site here, you only have to read the article here: WordPress Templates Guide, and apply what it says.

3. A site that contains administrative pages that serve the visitor

Your site must contain the administrative pages that the visitor needs, which represent the interface or the official image of your site.

Here is a list of the administrative pages that must be present on your site:

Contact Us page: which serves the user directly when he wants to contact the site administration.

Terms and conditions page: which explains to the visitor what he must follow when using your site

Privacy policy page: which explains to the visitor how the site deals with its data. It is worth noting here that it must be indicated in this document that you are working as a publisher with Google Adsense, and your site contains ads affiliated with Google.

A page about the site: which contains the story of the establishment of the site and the goals it seeks to achieve, through the content provided.

If you feel a little confused about these pages, don’t worry, the Contact Us page you can get through a simple WordPress plugin like Contact Form 7.

As for a page about the site, you do not have to write on it, except to answer the question “Why did you create this site?”, And the goals that you want to achieve for your visitors.

The Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy page is a semi-static form, and most sites use it with some changes according to the conditions of the site.

4. The site gets a good number of visitors

In order for Google to accept your site to participate in the AdSense program, this site must have a good number of visitors every day.

This of course depends on the quality of the content on the one hand, and on your marketing plan to get visitors on the other hand.

Steps to sign up for Google Adsense

Now that you know the most important criteria for accepting sites in Google Adsense, and you are sure that these criteria actually apply to your site, then let’s start explaining the steps for registering in Google Adsense.

To sign up for Google Adsense, follow these steps:

 1. Sign in to your Gmail account

This step is a proactive step (we do it now because we will need it shortly), here you have to log in to the Gmail account that you want to use in the AdSense account.

If you don’t have one, you can check out our Gmail account creation article to create a new one.

2. Go to the Google Adsense registration page

Go to the Google Adsense homepage, you can do so by clicking on the link below.

 3. Go to the account creation page

You can do so by pressing the Subscribe Now button (green button).

Enter your website link, your email (which you logged in to in the first step), and choose Yes below (that is, agreeing to receive messages from Google with tips and suggestions), then click the “Save and Continue” button.

4. Choose a country and agree to the terms

Select the country, and check your agreement to the terms, then press the Create Account button.

Note: On the registration page above, you will find that Google has detected your account that you logged in to in the first step.

In the illustration above, the two halves of the page are placed side by side.

5. Enter the detailed address data

After pressing the Create Account button in the previous step, your account will be created and you will be transferred to it to complete the data and activate the account.

Note: In the beginning, you may find a pop-up window containing notifications about new features that have been added to Adsense. You can browse these features through the arrows, and then click on the start button.

After skipping the notification window, you will find in front of you the detailed address data page, as shown in the image below.

This is an explanation of each statement according to its order as shown in the image above:

1. Account type (you will find it automatically selected individually, and you can change it to commercial by clicking on the pen icon).

2. The name (it will be extracted from the user’s Gmail account), and of course you can edit it.

3. Address 1 (Enter your address accurately and clearly).

4. Address 2 (You can type more details about your address, or leave it blank).

5. Type the name of the city where you live

6. Province (select the province or state in which you live), and next to it enter the postal code (if you do not know it, search by name of the city or region and you will find sites that contain a directory of the postal code for each city).

7. Phone number (Optional step but we highly recommend that you type in your phone number.

After filling in the information, press the Submit button.

6. Link your site to the Adsense program

After entering your address data in Step 6, and pressing the Submit button, you will be taken to the linking page through the code as shown below.

The code shown in the image above is the means of linking your site to your Google AdSense account. Placing this code on your site is an imperative step to start evaluating your account and then approving it.

You can refer to your web developer to do this step (tell them that you want to place the code inside the HTML code of the site, specifically between the <head> and </head> tags.

If you are using WordPress, you must follow these steps:

1. When you enter the dashboard of your WordPress site, go to the Appearance tab, and then to Widgets.

2. On the widgets page, create a text widget on the article pages in the sidebar area.

3. You can do this by dragging the text widget, and inserting it in the place designated to appear on the article pages.

4. Put the AdSense code in the text widget box and click Save.

Now go back to your AdSense account, and check the phrase “I have pasted the code on my site” as shown in the image above, then click on the Done button below.

Google Adsense will review your site and send an approval message to your Gmail, if it is in compliance with Google’s terms, or a rejection letter will be sent with the reason for rejection.

The most popular places to place adsense ads on your site

Now that your AdSense account has been approved, you need to start placing ads on your site.

Here are the most important and popular places on your site to place Adsense ads:

Down the header

This area is considered strategic for placing Adsense ads, which are often in the width of the website page, which is often 90 * 720 in size, and it is on almost all pages of the site.

Top biller

This is a bit like a header ad, but it’s less important.


This is 250*300 or 336*280, and can fit in as many pages as your WordPress theme design. It can be on the home page, articles page and section or tag pages.

Central articles

This advertisement belongs to a relatively new type called native ads, and it appears in a manner commensurate with the width of the article list, and its colors and dimensions can be controlled.

Within the content of the article

This also belongs to native ads, and it is proportional to the width of the article content and its shape can be controlled relatively.

It is worth noting that there are companies that specialize in this type of advertising, which are called Native Ads companies.

Note: If you are using a responsive WordPress template for all screen sizes, you must set the ads so that they are also responsive.

Explanation of the types of Google Adsense ads

In this part, I will explain the types of ads that Google Adsense allows you to choose from to be placed on your site.

Text & display ads

For text and image ads, which is often used below the header, above the footer, and in the sidebar.

As we mentioned a little while ago, to get a suitable size for all types of screens, you must choose the responsive option while setting up the ad.

In-feed ads

This type of advertisement is intended to be placed between the list of articles displayed, whether on the section or tag page. And you can make the appropriate settings in size and dimensions, so that it is completely identical to displaying articles in the article list.

In-article ads

This type of advertisement is intended to be placed in the middle of the text content of articles, and some of its properties can also be controlled so that it is proportional to the content.

Matched content

This type of advertisement is intended to be placed below the content of the topics, so that it appears as suggestions for other topics that the reader may prefer.

It is worth noting here that not all sites participating in AdSense are allowed to use this type of advertisement.

In order to make sure that this type of Adsense advertisement is available to your site, go to the setting page in your Adsense account.

Then click my sites, then click Matched Content. You should see a green check mark in front of your site’s name on this page with your account.

Auto Ads

This is a different and new type of advertisement that can be used for all pages of the site in general, but it is intended for mobile visitors only, and it appears according to a special formula determined by Google AdSense based on the experience of each visitor separately.

To activate it, copy the code and place it in a text widget, in the same way as placing the activation code for the new AdSense account.
You can access it through My ads, then Auto Ads.

There are many types of ads that fall under it, the most important of which are:

[ A ] Anchor ads

It is a small fixed advertising bar at the bottom of the page, so that when the visitor makes a scroll, it is fixed in its place, and the visitor can hide it by clicking on it from the top in the middle.

[ B ] Vignette ads

It is an advertisement, usually a display, that covers the entire content of the site, and appears on top of the content itself. You can exit it by clicking on the x at the top.

Tips and important points regarding working as a publisher with Google Adsense

1. When you receive a rejection letter, work on the reasons for rejection and apply again, and also if the latter was also rejected, improve your site and apply again.

2. In order to work as a publisher with Google Adsense, you must own a website with valuable and unique content, and you must also continue to provide your site with good and valuable content. Working with Adsense is a continuous work, not a phased one.

3. Do not violate Google’s policies, even if you find some sites do this with impunity. The risk here will be sacrificing your account and its balance, and Google Adsense policies can be viewed through the link below.

4. Working as a partner with Google Adsense is like any other business, it depends on experience and experimentation, so do not stop at the level of your profits not befitting the level of your effort, you have to try and continue and develop your experience and information and your profits will improve.

5. Invest in visitors to increase your earnings.
Whenever you find a good channel to buy visitors, and you can achieve a profit margin (the difference between buying visitors and Adsense earnings), invest in this channel.

6. Google Adsense will give you 68% of the profits you get from advertisers.

7. Profits are calculated either based on the clicks on the ads, or based on the impression (i.e. visiting the page where the ad is located and seeing it), so you will find two types of earnings in your account, one based on the clicks, and the other based on the impression.

8. There are many ways to place ad units on your site, and this mainly depends on the way your site was created.

In the event that you are using WordPress, these are the most important ways to place ad units:

1. Through the template (there are many WordPress templates that come with a lot of features for placing and managing Adsense ad units).

2. Through widgets (referred to above)

3. Through plugins (the best add-on from my point of view for placing adsense ads is the ad inserter add-on)

9. Google Adsense provides many payment methods, which you can choose from to receive your monthly earnings.

Note: You will receive the profits of the elapsed month on the 21st of the following month. For example, your profits in the month of January will be sent to you from Google Adsense on the 21st of February. 

These are the most important ways that Google AdSense allows you to pay monthly profits:

A/ Wire Transfer: You must have a bank account to get your winnings through.

B/ Checks (bank checks): It does not require having a bank account, but it takes a long time to cash it compared to other methods.

A/ Electronic Funds Transfer: Available only for some countries.

D/ EFT via Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA): Available only for some countries.

E/ Western Union (Western Union Bank for Money Transfer): Western Union is a bank that specializes in money transfer and has branches in almost every city in the world, and it is the fastest way to receive money.

To obtain more information about the payment methods that AdSense allows, you must return to the link below, in which you will find a link for each payment method explaining the payment method in detail and the countries in which this method is available:

What is the profit rate from Google Adsense?

The profit rate from Google Adsense depends on many factors, and here I will list the most important ones:

1. The domain of your site

We mentioned earlier that there is a targeting system followed by Google in placing ads on your site so that the ads are appropriate to the content of your site, and of course the price of a click varies from one ad to another depending on the field.

For example, a site that specializes in providing advice on forex, the profit level will differ from that of a news site, because the ads will differ on each site from the other.

2. The number of visitors to your site

This is an obvious point, but we have to mention it here because of its importance. It is self-evident that the visitors element is a pivotal element for achieving profit from Adsense, so you find many Adsense publishers rely mainly on Adsense arbitrage to achieve the maximum rate with profit.

3. The quality of the content on your site

Which results in the average visitor staying time on the site, which enhances the chance of more ads appearing in front of him.

4. Locations of ads

This is an organizational process that depends on the design of the site, the nature of the visitors, and the nature of the content on the site as well.

5. The number of ad units on each page within the site

There are some schools that say that in many cases, the effectiveness of 3 ad units per page is better than the effectiveness of 5 ad units.

6. Geographical distribution of your visitors

The Kuwaiti visitor’s click on the AdSense ad is different from the Egyptian visitor’s click on the same ad.

7. The nature of your visitors

In terms of being male or female, their average age, their interests, and their level of education, and all of this, of course, is related to the field that you are talking about on your site.

8. Your use of the Allow & Block Ads feature

This is a feature offered by Google Adsense to publishers, and through it you can block some ads from appearing on your site. If you can block ads that pay less or are not suitable for your visitors, and instead show ads that pay more or are more relevant to the content of your site, this will increase your level of profits.

9. The percentage of clicks out of the total views of the page with the CTR ad

CTR or Click Through Rate: It means the percentage of clicks that the ad units got from the percentage of total views of the pages on which the ads are located.

This percentage is not fixed, as it depends on many factors, including the period of stay of the visitor on the page, including the extent of the relationship between the advertisement and the content of the page, but in general, this percentage ranges on average between 1 and 3 percent.

In the end, in order to give you an answer in numbers, the price of a click in Arabic content ranges between 2 cents and up to 6 cents (this is the average price of a click, which is affected by all the factors I mentioned above).

An illustrative and practical example to answer the question How much do I earn from Adsense:

1. You have a website that talks about the world of fashion and gets 10,000 total page views every day.

2. Your site’s CTR is 3%.

3. The average click price for your site is 4 cents.

Based on these data, your total monthly profits = the total daily views of your website pages multiplied by the CTR ratio multiplied by the average click price multiplied by the number of days in the month (30 days).

By applying this equation to our example, the total monthly profits of the site will be: 10000 * 0.03 * 0.04 * 30 = 360 dollars

Note: This is a rough example to illustrate the idea, but in reality the results differ according to many variables, even sites that talk about the same field and get the same visitors can achieve somewhat different results, according to other factors such as the quality of the content or the places where ads appear… etc.

Here we have come to the end of our topic about profit from Google Adsense. I hope that the topic will be of interest to you and help you understand Google Adsense and how to profit from it well.

Do not be stingy and make the topic stop with you, but share it with your friends, perhaps your participation in the topic will contribute to changing someone’s life for the better.


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