Some Tips For Staying Motivated While Looking For a Job

 Some Tips For Staying Motivated While Looking For a Job

Some Tips For Staying Motivated While Looking For a Job

Finding a new job is usually meant to be an exciting and rewarding experience…but sometimes it is just the opposite. Sometimes, when you stop looking for a job and the rejection notices start piling up, you feel less like a VIP and more like a rambling resume only.

However, it is essential to stay motivated during your job search to keep your spirits and mental state at its best. As such, here are some tips on how to maintain your confidence during your next job search. Check out how to use the STAR method in behavioral interviewing.

1. Remember: You are more than just a resume

The job search can be dehumanizing. The recruiter doesn’t really care about who you are, how you feel, or what you like to do on the weekends. To him, you are a name, a series of qualifications, and some mixed experience.

But the truth is, you’re always about more than just your job or your resume. Your likes, hobbies, and favorite things are still valid, even if your employer couldn’t care less about them. As such, be sure to take some time away from your job search and take time to entertain yourself as well.

2. Maintain your hobbies and interests (as far as your budget allows)

Speaking of which, a good way to help take your mind off your job search is to continue doing your hobbies and interests. You may feel guilty about doing things that don’t help you find a job, like playing a video game or taking a walk in the park. However, taking breaks in general is beneficial to productivity.

Whatever you enjoy doing, keep doing it. Don’t let guilt tell you that you’re “not allowed” to enjoy yourself as long as you don’t have a job. Since you’ve achieved your job search goal for the day (and we’ll cover that next), you deserve some time to kick back.

Of course, since you are looking for a job, you may not have the income or savings that you would like to spend on interests and hobbies. However, you still need to pursue what you love, or you will end up exhausted in your job search. Check out What is Work Overload and How Can You Avoid It?

3. Good and productive goal setting

Goals are a two-faced sword. When used correctly, it can be an excellent way to get out of bed in the morning and get things done. When mishandled, it can cause a lot of sadness and a sense of uselessness when you fail to deliver.

The key here is to set an achievable goal and measure it through your actions. This way, aiming helps improve your productivity rather than hurting it.

How to set an achievable goal

The achievable goal is the goal set in realism. When setting a goal, you need to think about what you can actually achieve as an individual. “I want a job tomorrow” is an unacceptably overly ambitious goal, because it takes a little longer to get a job.

It is also important to realize that it is almost impossible when you set goals too high. For example, if you tell yourself that you want to get a high-level position in your job search, but the job ads are asking for a lot more than you can currently apply for, it can be helpful to lower your aspiration bar a bit. Check out the most important personality traits to become a successful project manager.

How to set a measurable goal

A goal that can be measured by your actions gives you complete control over whether or not you achieve the goal. The goal “I want to get a job” is not very good, as there is no progress in it and there are no standards to measure it. You either don’t have a job, or you do.

Even something like “I want to be interviewed every week” is still a little way off. This is because you have little control over whether or not you will be able to get an interview. All you can do is make your job application look as good as possible; After that, getting a job interview is out of your hands.

As such, it is best to set a goal in which you have as much control over whether or not you can achieve it. For example, “I want to apply for five jobs every day” or “I want to spend six hours a day searching for and applying to job ads.” This is a good thing, because you have more control over whether you meet these goals. no.

Of course, this is not guaranteed. There may be days when no job postings arrive on your desk and you can’t hit the target. While a day or two is fine, a pattern of missed goals may indicate that you need to spread your relationships out more broadly in terms of job boards and outlets.

However, setting a goal like this is great for your mental health. With no purpose, it’s really easy to spend all day thinking about applying for jobs and feeling guilty when you’d do anything but that. Once you’ve completed today’s goal, that’s it; You now have permission from yourself to deviate from this approach and enjoy the rest of your day. Check out the best unique ways to stand out during a job interview.

4. Celebrate the smaller victories

When looking for a job, it’s very easy to get a big view and just focus on the one thing you want to achieve: getting a job. As far as you’re concerned, anything that doesn’t lead to you getting a new career is worthless.

But this is not necessarily true. If you were on the verge of success but couldn’t, this is a sign that you are doing something right. For example, if you were invited for an interview but didn’t hear back from the hiring manager, it means you’re really close to achieving your big goal. This is not something to feel sad about; In fact, it’s worth celebrating.

By identifying these small victories, you can do more than just feel good. You can also connect the dots between your relative successes and find innovative patterns in your job search. For example, you may notice that you are called for an interview when applying for a particular job as compared to another, which is an excellent sign of the career path you should take in the future. Check out the best apps for job seekers to organize and track job applications and get reminders.

Hunt smarter, Hunt better

The job search can be exciting, but the longer the search, the more draining the physical and moral capabilities. However, it’s important to keep your interests alive, set good goals, and reward yourself when you come close to getting one job that has been elusive. You can now read What Does a Computer Forensic Analyst Do? Is this job right for you?


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