Theoretical Foundations That Support Cloud Computing

 Theoretical Foundations That Support Cloud Computing

Theoretical Foundations That Support Cloud Computing

By looking at the learning theories closely related to the current study, it was found that the social cognitive theory is the closest theories that support learning in the cloud computing environment. Through his interaction with information and with the experiences of others, and not through the formation of images or copies of reality.

There are several characteristics that characterize the use of social cognitive theory in education, through educational literature, including [1], which can be summarized in the following points:

@. Constructive learning achieves quality through the fact that the learner plays the role of explorer, experimenter, researcher, and interactive discusser. He desires to learn not in order to succeed in the test, but rather to benefit from what he has learned in his future scientific and practical life.

@. Stimulating the learner’s thinking, developing his inclinations and abilities, and developing his creative event through constructive cooperation and participation.

@. Developing the learner’s personality to be innovative and able to solve problems while developing their various skills in technological aspects.

@. Taking into account learners’ levels, readiness, tendencies, stages of development, and appropriate technology for them at each educational stage.

@. Providing instructional media, activities, techniques and technology in their models and using them to support informational development to aid experiential understanding.

@. Paying attention to the evaluation by preparing question forms at higher levels of thinking in order to create the thinking and innovative personality.

@. The constructivist theory rejects the learner’s passive receiving of knowledge.

@. Social cognitive is concerned with teamwork while recognizing the individual’s self and making him aware of his role and individual responsibility.

@. Assisting in the development and change of teaching methods and the classroom environment in a systemic manner, starting from the teacher to the educational administration.

Learning in the cloud computing environment provides patterns of participatory learning and cooperation through the learner’s work with other learners and working with work teams, which enables the learner to benefit from the information and experiences of others as well as with the teacher or trainer. Learning in the cloud computing environment also allows time and opportunity for the learner to In order to reflect his thinking, the learner may be asked to participate in joint cooperative exercises with peers through which he presents his ideas or in a discussion forum and other learning tools in the cloud computing environment.


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