What are the areas that can be self-learned?

 What are the areas that can be self-learned?

What are the areas that can be self-learned?

Self-taught domains are the processes and strategies that an individual learns on their own. By using the means that will help him achieve the goal, without the presence of a direct assistant to complete it. Where it refines the talent of the individual or gives him a new skill resulting from observation, application and follow-up.

Many thinkers, creators, and scientists adopted a policy of self-learning, which had a great impact in following their desires and inner passion towards a particular aspect. Some of them excelled in drawing, and some of them showed their genius in scientific experiments, and many others who did not adhere to a specific curriculum and study foundations. Rather, they unleashed their intelligence and their desire to acquire knowledge and knowledge, regardless of its source without guidance.

In this article, we can mention all the basic points that an individual needs to know the areas that can be self-learned and the characteristics they require.

Areas that can be self-taught

There are many fields that one can learn on their own. Not only learning but also mastering it through learning and watching. Among these areas that can be self-learned are the following:

  • Languages.
  • the acting.
  • programming.
  • Writing.
  • the design.
  • Engineering.
  • the sciences.
  • Arts and Crafts.
  • The drawing.
  • singing.
  • fiddle.
  • The art of painting on cups and plates.
  • dance.
  • Video editing and montage.
  • Fitness.
  • E-Marketing.
  • Selling through social networking sites.
  • Yoga.
  • Computer Skills.
  • Blog management.

 Domain skills that can be learned by yourself

Some people wonder about the areas that can be self-learned, and how to master the skills related to them. It is worth noting that the skill of self-learning is what is called the easy one, as the individual needs to know the skills necessary for the success of this process. Such as:

Time regulation: time regulation is one of the basics of completing any task, as in the event that there is no organization. It will reflect negatively on learning the field, and sometimes lead to forgetting it, regardless of the extent of mastery of it. Therefore, the individual must set his own time plans to follow them, as he is not bound by an actual time, as happens in universities or schools.

Focus: Choose a quiet place away from noise or any means of distraction, and then divide the tasks that must be accomplished within a specific period of time, and make sure to complete them in full. And do not distract yourself by moving from one subject to another or one site to another, because this affects the extent of your absorption and focus on the information presented in front of you.

Perseverance and lack of alarm: This type of learning is characterized by a long period of time and results. Therefore, the learner must be patient, not give up when events outside his control occur and stop his plan and goal, but must complete his mission until he achieves the desired goal.

Planning: Set big goals and break them down into smaller goals, to make them easier to complete and accomplish. The learner must also identify the sources from which the specialized science will depend in the field he wants to learn, and always evaluate himself in accomplishing tasks and goals, and amending plans in the event that they are not achieved.

Practice: Many areas require continuous practice, as when you stop doing it, it causes damage and retreat

Participation: When you share with the people around you the field that you have learned, it makes you more willing to learn more, continuous knowledge on updates in the field, and encourage others to follow the same path.

To ensure the stability of the information, the learner must review it, constantly review the summaries, and continuously practice them.

The benefits of self-taught domains

The individual follows areas that can be self-learned, because that makes him liberated, not bound by a specific place or time. In addition to his ability to practice his passion besides his basic studies or his usual profession, because of its benefits and advantages such as flexibility. As the learner is in control of the time and place he desires.

He is also responsible for the extent of his learning and self-assessment, and it increases the individual’s self-confidence. When he sees himself as capable of achievement and commitment without the presence of a follower or an observer. This increases his curiosity to discover and learn more fields, as he began to feel his ability to achieve and learn without resorting to learning it from training centers or from teachers in schools or universities.

Methods of learning areas that can be taught by yourself

Discovery and investigation is the main factor for starting learning, so in order to start your educational career, you need a good internet connection, as it is the main guide to the areas that can be self-learned, because this ensures your permanent access to sources that are able to provide you with this information and data, such as books and specialized websites.

To complete this process, it is necessary for you to obtain the necessary tools to implement it, for example, whoever wants to learn to play musical instruments, he must have the instrument he wants to learn, and continuous learning despite making mistakes, as it will guide him to the path of mastery and full knowledge of the desired field.

Self-learning domain platforms

There are many platforms in which the individual can practice the scientific field that he wants to learn. Which ensures that he obtains sufficient experience, and benefits from this scientific and digital development, which would spread science and knowledge. Among these leading platforms in guiding the learner towards areas that can be self-learned are:

  • Edx platform.
  • Udemy.
  • Coursera.
  • realization platform.
  • Arabic Riwaq.
  • Udacity.
  • Almenator.

All of these platforms provide self-learning services for those wishing to join them. Not only that, but it also provides special certificates in the field that has been followed up and learned, while containing all the details of the learner, such as his name, field name, and others.

Cons Areas that can be self-taught

There are some drawbacks to the fields that can be self-learned, which is that they do not achieve the effectiveness that can be seen in the classroom, and they also prevent the formation of face-to-face friendships, and the acquisition of mutual scientific experiences between individuals. In addition to the lack of incentives for continuity, which makes many individuals feel the passion of learning at the beginning and not complete it to the end.

Self-learning for individuals is considered financially saving, but it is worth noting that there are some paid training courses, and their price usually ranges from 5 to 22 dollars. This is the price of the entire educational course in some of the previously offered educational platforms, with the possibility of obtaining certificates that prove his completion and obtaining sufficient information that prepares him to practice this field.


We can say that anyone can learn on their own by following the tips and instructions mentioned above. Those who wish to explore areas that can be self-learned are no longer incapable of knowing the corridors and mysteries of learning in different fields and disciplines.


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