Ishq-E-Nadaan Movie Cast is an upcoming Hindi movie released on 14 July 2023. the movie will be released on the OTT platform Jiocinema Avishek Ghosh directs the movie and will feature Neena Gupta, Lara Dutta, Samvedna Suwalka, and Shriya Pilgaonkar as lead characters. Other famous actors who were roped in for Ishq-E-Nadaan are Mohit Raina, Deepika Amin, Mrinal Dutt, Gaurav Sharma, and Pankhuri Gidwani
Ishq-E-Nadaan is a scheduled Hindi movie Set in the bustling metropolis of Mumbai, the trailer shows the couples meeting up and discovering their happiness as Mohit Raina recites a nazm in the background, speaking of the philosophies of love and where it can be found
Ishq-E-Nadaan Movie Cast and Crew Members Details
Movie Name | Ishq-E-Nadaan |
Genre | romantic drama |
Director | Avishek Ghosh |
Main Actors | Neena Gupta, Lara Dutta, Shriya Pilgaonkar, Anshu Varshney, & Deepika Amin |
Producer | Jyoti Deshpande | Avishek Ghosh | Nahar Manish W |
Story, Screenplay & Dialogues | Sudeep Nigam |
Production House | AVMA Media |
Ishq-E-Nadaan Movie Cast Name
1. Meena Gupta
Meena Gupta her name in the Ishq-e-nadaan is known as Charulata
2. Samvedna Suwalka
Samvedna Suwalka her name in the Ishq-e-nadaan is known as Meenakshi Acharya
3. Shriya Pilgaonkar
Shriya Pilgaonkar her name in the Ishq-e-nadaan is known as Siya
4. Lara Dutta
Lara Dutta her name in the Ishq-e-nadaan is known as Ramona Singh
5. Suhail Nayyar
Suhail Nayyar his name in the Ishq-e-nadaan is known as Piyush
6. Mohit Raina
Mohit Raina his name in the Ishq-e-nadaan is known as Ashutosh
7. Deepika Amin
Deepika Amin her name in the Ishq-e-nadaan is known as Rekha
8. Kanwaljeet Singh
Kanwaljeet Singh his name in the Ishq-e-nadaan is known as Subhash Kapoor
9. Mrinal Dutt
Mrinal Dutt his name in the Ishq-e-nadaan is known as Raghav
10. Gaurav Sharma
Gaurav Sharma his name in the Ishq-e-nadaan is known as Mahesh Acharya
Available On | JioCinema |
Released Date | 14 July 2023 |
Language | Hindi |
Subtitle | Hindi & English |
Country | India |
Less Known Facts Ishq-e-nadaan Movie Cast
- Ishq-e-nadaan will be released in the OTT platform JioCinema
- the movie is Set in the bustling metropolis of Mumbai
- the trailer shows the couples meeting up and discovering
- their happiness as Mohit Raina recites a nazm in the background, speaking of the philosophies of love and where it can be found
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